Kuro Snacks

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Auto Dog Feeders

Kuro Eats at Her Feeding Station.

After learning the importance of water for dogs, the next natural step is to ensure that your dog gets hydrated as much as possible and definitely when your dog needs it. Automatic Dog Feeders will most certainly help do the trick. Some allowing you to have 200 to 500mls or more at one go, which is about the daily intake for some dogs already. This is also a good way to measure how much your dog has been drinking while at the same time ensuring that they can stay hydrated at any time.

Kuro has two auto water dispensers situated where she sleeps and where she eats, this allows her easy access to water at all times. Because she normally finishes water from either or both in a day and a half or so, it has become clockwork for us to change the water or top it up every two days or when they run out. She’s small, so she only needs about 500mls a day. The rule of thumb is about 50 to 60ml of water for every kg they weigh. She’s under 9kgs. This has worked very well for us, so we know which days she isn’t drinking enough and we may feed her some additional water where necessary.

Depending on what you feed your dog, we prefer not to have food lying out for too long, due to the humidity and Kuro’s lazy eating habits, food left out in the open like that can turn bad and that’s the last thing we want for her. So we generally don’t use auto feeders for that. We do however ensure there are fresh kibbles out for her in between meals and also for her wee-morning munchies. We change that regularly for her. Other than that, because we feed her fresh food or food that requires a certain level of preparation, we don’t put that in an auto dog feeder. So, for food in particular, use your discretion based on what you feed your dog. There are some options out there that provide for auto feeding while preserving the freshness of your food, but they tend to be a little more expensive.

That said here are some auto dog feeders that you might want to consider. If you need more ideas for dog feeders, click here.

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If you need more ideas for dog feeders, click here. And if your dog needs some motivation to eat their food, you can use Kuro Snacks as a treat or topper.

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