Kuro Snacks

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Kuro’s Toys

Kuro draped in Ramen from the Ramen Nosework Toy.

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Aside from spending time training your dog, or lounging around with your dog with cuddles, it’s also important to keep them stimulated. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop as they say and it can’t be more true for our 4 legged friends. They will get up to mischief. Mental health and fun are important too. On the lighter side of things, we thought we’d take some time to showcase some of Kuro’s favorite toys (and yes, she’s spoilt rotten with tons of them). If you need to check out more, you can click here.

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We have been obsessed with getting this for a while and I finally did. As seen above, it’s hours of entertainment (maybe more for me) but it’s fun to throw it on Kuro and hace her try to remove it. It’s her new favorite!

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This was one of Kuro’s first toys. I would say it’s rather hardy. It has a bit of a plastic thing inside that riles her up whilst a squeaky bit that gets her all excited. She still plays with it 2 years on!

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So there are quite a few types to choose from. This is very interesting because it looks like the food, but actually, it is made out of this canvas like fabric which makes it challenging to bite. It squeaks! Kuro loves!

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Another one that we were obsessed with. Finally got one and I don’t regret at all. I start with making some noise, and Kuro very quickly realize it would annoyingly mimic her and she would bark different at it. Loves it.

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This is a classic right here. It’s inexpensive but it’s good for her to play a little bit of tug of war (not her favorite game), but she does play fetch with it and sometimes I catch her biting on it on her own.

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We were rather indulgent when we bought this. We just thought it was pretty. We did not expect Kuro to really love it and play with it all that much, but she actually quite likes it. Similar to the classic rope toy.

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This is a classic one. Although they said to put in peanut butter, I found that too messy, so I put in a small amount of Bites by Kuro Snacks as each time for Kuro. She often plays with it without treats too!

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This would be similar to the duck toy. Except, it has such an interesting and different texture, plus it combines the duck with the classic rope toy in one. I haven’t let her play with this yet, but soon!

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We previously bought a simple maze one for kibbles and some Kuro Snacks. Kuro did like it and figured it out fast. We were thinking of getting these different variations just to try out. We’re hoping this will be tons of fun!

Bonus Video: Kuro playing with the Talking Shiba Inu.

Let us know in the comments below if your dog has any of these and likes them just as much or if your dog likes other toys not featured here, share with us, we’d like to try them out too! For other toys, click here to check them out.

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“BORK” Bag

“RUFF” Pillow

“MEOW” Travel Mug


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