
Paseri • パセリ • Parsely

Paseri • パセリ • Parsely

Can dogs eat Parsley? Can cats eat parsley? Adding parsley to your dog’s (or cat’s) diet is an excellent idea as it is a source of flavonoids, antioxidants, and vitamins. It also contains lycopene and carotenes. And parsley’s anti-inflammatory properties could reduce arthritis and swelling. Other health benefits for dogs include itch-relief properties, help for indigestion, cystitis and even heart problems. So can dogs have Parsley? Yes! Parsley for dogs has a long history of use, benefits of parsley for dogs:

Arthritis - Parsley is considered a powerful diuretic, which may help arthritic dogs suffering from poor waste elimination. In addition, the large amounts of vitamin K in itself may be helpful against rheumatoid arthritis according to the Arthritis Foundation.

Digestion & Gut - It is generally cleansing for the organs and may help to prevent disease. Parsley can help for indigestion and soothe the stomach.

Treating Bad Breath - Poor dental health will result in bad breath. Gum disease, plaque and tartar buildup makes matters worse. Parsley can help treat bad breath! It’s a natural breath freshener. Of course, it is still very important to brush your dog’s teeth at least twice a week.

Urinary Tract Infection - Because of its diuretic abilities, parsley may be helpful for urinary tract infections – the idea is that the bad bacteria gets flushed out of the bladder because urination is increased. Its antimicrobial qualities may also be of help against the bacteria causing the infection.

Vitamins - Vitamin A, C, K and iron are some of the rich nutrients that are found in Parsley.

So, is parsley good for dogs? Certainly! While it is not advisable for dogs with existing kidney problems like kidney dysfunction , parsley is actually great for keeping the kidneys healthy.

Pregnant dogs should not have any parsley because it may cause muscle contractions.

With any new food, it’s always best to feed your dog only a little at first. Wait to see of there is any adverse reaction, if any, before you let your dog eat more. When in doubt, consult your veterinarian.

With Shishamo, Sake, Sake Hitokuchi, Tsuna, Minto and Kokonattsu at Kuro Snacks, we add dried parsley leaves because who doesn’t want their dog to be healthy and have fresher breath? Plus, it’s cat friendly too.


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