Kuro Snacks

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Dog Lingo

私の名前は黒豚です !

“If you don’t know these terms, you are doing me a concern!”

Popularized by many on the Internet, it seems as long as you are a pawrent (parent to a dog), you have a whole other language. So what is dog language or rather doggo language? It’s a whole different lingo. Let us demystify it for you! This is by no means an exhaustive list of dog language words, but this is what we’ve gathered so far. If you know of more, feel free to let us know or tell us in the comments below.

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Well, that’s what we’ve learnt so far. Share with us what you thought or if we missed any that you know of!

In the meantime, gib your doggo a snek from Kuro Snacks. Or buy our merchandise!

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“HENLO” T-Shirt

“RUFF” Pillow

“BORK” Bag

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