Japanese Dog Commands
“One who especially admires and likes Japan or Japanese ways.”
Aside from being a Japanophile who loves Japanese Culture, there are practical reasons for training your dog in another language, especially when you don’t live in Japan. You might want to teach your dog some commands in Japanese specifically kept between your dog and you. Like secret passcodes to get your dog to do things no one else can (because how would they know?). This becomes important like one of our readers, TK, who left a comment on how useful it is to teach his service dog commands in Japanese so no one else can get his dog to perform certain actions. Although it does make one wonder, why would you ask someone else’s dog perform any action in the first place!
Nonetheless, whatever the reason, and without further ado, here are dog commands in Japanese.
30 Dog Commands For Japanese Dog Training
This might come as a surprise, but we are Japanophiles. We love all things Japanese. Well, Kuro herself is one of Japan’s oldest breeds of dogs (and the smallest of the original native dogs to Japan), the Shiba Inu (柴犬). And Kuro Snacks was entirely inspired by her. We thought it would be fitting to share some common Japanese Words or commands that we are trying to get ourselves accustomed to. Some of them are hard to train!
Beg – 頼む / tanomu [tah-nah-moo]
Bow – おじぎ / ojigi [oh-jee-gee]
Catch - キャッチ / kyatchi [keht-chee]
Come - おいで / oide [oh-ee-day]
Crawl – ほふく 全身 / hofuku zenshin [hoh-foo-koo zen-sheen)
Drop It - はなせ / hanase [hah-nah-say]
Fetch or Go Fetch - もってこい / mottekoi [moh-tay-koy]
Get Down or Lie Down or Duck - ふせ / fuse [foo-say]
Go / Walk Backwards – バック / bakku [bahk-koo]
Go Home - 帰宅する / kitaku suru [kee-tah-koo soo-roo]
Go Inside - 中に入る / nakanihairu [nah-kahn-e-hi-roo]
Good Dog - いいこ / Īko [e-ko]
Heel - ついて来る / tsuite kuru [soo-ee-tay koo-roo]
High Five – ハイタッチ / haitatchi [hi-taht-chee]
Hug – 抱っこ / dakko [dahk-koh]
Jump – ジャンプ / janpu [jah-n-poo]
Leave It - 拾わないで / hirowanaide [he-row-ah-ny-deh]
Left - 左 / hidari [he-dah-ree]
Look - 見る / miru [me-roo]
No - だめ / dame [dah-may]
Okay, Go! – よし / yoshi [yoh-shee]
Paw or Hand - おて / ote [oh-tay]
Right - 右 / migi [me-ghee]
Roll Over – ロール / Rōru [roh-roo]
Sit - おすわり / osuwari [oh-soo-wah-ree]
Speak – 話せ / hanase [hah-nah-seh]
Stand – 縦 / tate [tah-teh]
Stick Out Tongue – 舌を出す / shitawodasu [she-tah-woh-dasoo]
Stop - 止まれ / tomare [toh-mah-ray]
Wait or Stay - まて / mate [mah-tay]
There are definitely a lot more dog commands in Japanese, but these are the basics. If you know of more, share with us in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you.
まて ! / mate!
Before you go, check out some of our Japanese-inspired products for the Japanophile in you, or pick up some Kuro Snacks for your dog, they work great as a training aid too.