Shower Time

Shower Time with Kuro
For some dogs, bath time is a great time. For others, like Kuro, it is sheer torture. But thanks to handy accessories that you can get, bath time doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
Hair Dryers / Blowers
The first time Kuro was introduced to a hair dryer, she freaked out. She ran! And she even exploded with pee all over the floor. Because of the noise levels, they get scared. Just like the vacuum cleaner is the enemy, so are hair dryers and blowers. One thing we've learnt is also they are more receptive when an actual grooming professional does it rather than doing it yourself. There is hope though. They will get used to it. Just like Kuro did. Here are some options to dry their hair. We personally use a regular hair dryer on low setting. It takes longer but Kuro is okay with it in a confined space. Don't make it too hot or you'll burn their skin (Hello AVS?). Here are some options or for more, check out our Shower Time for Dogs Pinterest Board.
Pet Towel
The best thing you can do is to get a really good towel for them. Fast drying to hasten the pace and also keeping them dry will prevent bacteria and fungul growth, not to mention the infamous wet dog smell. The last thing you want is you dog rubbing themselves dry on your bed, drapes, couch, carpet or rug. The entire shower experience can be annoying for some dogs like Kuro. So the shorter the overall process the better. She loves to be clean, just doesn't like the journey. You can use a regular towel, but it may just take a bit longer. On warmer days I just use the towel as opposed to the hair dryer. Sharing the same towel with your dog is probably a bad idea. Here are some options or for more, check out our Shower Time for Dogs Pinterest Board.
Dog Shower Head
So the regular shower head for humans works for smaller dogs. But once they are on medium or large, you may need a bigger, better shower head to quicken the process. It will save you more time as well. Here are some options or for more, check out our Shower Time for Dogs Pinterest Board.
Now here is a good tip. On days when you're not in an absolute hurry, you can practice water conservation by bathing your dog in a tub. Wet their fur and apply shampoo like you normally would. Use the water collected in the tub to rinse off the shampoo before you apply the conditioner. Again, use the collected water to rinse them off once, before getting them out of the tub and rinse them off with fresh water. There are foldable ones that don't take up much space if you're like us and live in a small apartment. Here are some options or for more, check out our Shower Time for Dogs Pinterest Board.
Hand/Face Towel
One area that's always a bit tricky is their face and their ears. So you don't want water getting into their ears as that will lead to infections and even for humans, we don't like water going in our ear canal. A simple trick is to use a hand towel. Wet it completely, don't wring it and plop it on their faces, covering all areas around their eyes, snout and nose (be gentle). Wring the hand towel, apply a little shampoo, rinse a little and wring it and fold it to apply shampoo on their faces. Avoid the eye area, ear canal and of course the mouth area. Rinse the hand towel completely and wring it before wiping down all the areas with shampoo. Repeat this at least twice or three times if possible. The same applies for conditioner if need be. You can also use the same hand towel to wipe their feet after their walk or wash their feet if need be. If they are nosey parkers, and ften get their face dirty, these hand towels can be quite handy in those circumstances where you need to do a clean up outside of bath time. Make sure you always use a clean one! Beats using single-use wet wipes. They can be easily popped into the washing machine as well. Just make sure you don't use the same one you use for your face! Here are some options or for more, check out our Shower Time for Dogs Pinterest Board.
Massage Brush/Scrubber
After you've applied shampoo to your dog, use a scrubber to help massage your dog's skin for a cleaner clean with a uniform lather. Just like humans, we use this for our scalp and it can help increase blood circulation, stimulate hair growth and promote a healthy coat. Massaging can release tension, exfoliate excess skin, and remove excess oil and buildup. Some can even collect excess fur, effective during shedding time. Here are some options or for more, check out our Shower Time for Dogs Pinterest Board.
After your dog’s shower, just like Kuro, they might be hungry for snackies. Get your Kuro Snacks right here: